Rose Quartz for Self-Love with hidden powers that will empower you to love yourself more
It seems that the blushing colour of the gemstone Rose Quartz catches everyone’s attention. Mostly everyone is familiar with this gemstone and has at least one tumbled stone of this Quartz family at home.
This softrose colour has a calming effect on our heart level, even just looking at this colour is calming.
The main property of this enchanting gemstone is to support yourself in loving yourself more deeply.
It is a unique gemstone to express self-love towards yourself.
Why is self-love the ground base for everything in life?
In life, all starts with self-love. How much you love yourself effects your life in general. How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.
If you don’t truly love yourself, you attract a partner that will love you as much as you love yourself. If you don’t have enough love towards yourself and lower yourself on every possible topic, your life will mirror this right in front of your eyes. Be it in your job, house, with your partner, friends, family or your body and health.
The hidden energy of the Rose Quartz will charge you with more self-love
Self-love means accepting yourself as you are in this very moment for everything that you are. Feel good in your own skin using the hidden energies of Rose Quartz jewellery = self-love
1. Don’t compare yourself to others. There’s only one you.
2. Don’t worry about what others think. You can’t make everyone happy. But you can make yourself happy. Trust your inner gut.
3. Trust yourself to make good decisions for yourself.
Tell yourself every day in front of the mirror: I love myself that way I am right now. I am enough.
Right now, I am in a good place with myself. But this was not the case in my past. I have struggled accepting myself the way I am. Allowing myself to love myself, to give myself the permission to love my body, soul and mind unconditionally, has not been easy. What truly helped me with my busy schedule, was to create a short morning ritual. It takes few seconds, but you can take as much time as it feels good for you. Every morning before I jumped into my daily routine, I stood (and still do it) in front of the mirror looking at my mirror me and said out loudly: “I love myself that way I am right now. I am enough and I love you – Carolin (say your own name).”
Wearing a jewellery piece with the gemstone Rose Quartz is a beautiful reminder to internalize this short mirror sentence in your busy daily life schedule.
Yours Carolin